Atlantic ATM


Atlantic ATM, LLC has several lease options available. By leasing an ATM from Atlantic ATM, you will not have to invest any of your working capital. With a lease you can use the profits from the ATM’s surcharge income that you will receive to pay for the lease. This way, the ATM is “self-funded.”


Our leasing programs allow you to have a term from 12 to 60 months. The longer the term, the lower the monthly payment. At the end of the lease, you have the opportunity to purchase the ATM, upgrade to a new ATM, or continue the lease at a substantial savings. If you have any questions about leasing call us anytime.

Call us at 1-877-472-2447 or fill out our Information Request Form for more information on leasing.

Or download our Lease Application here and fax it to 1-978-356-6147.

Download Lease Application